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Actress Fay Ripley has said she is considering Botox as she wants to iron out some of the wrinkles on her face. Her inspiration appears to be felow actress Amanada Holden who has recently had a course of Botox. Ripley claims one of the reasons why she hasn’t yet tried the injections is that she is scared they will hurt.
“I really need it and I haven’t had it – it’s a nightmare,” she explained in an interview with The People. “Amanda Holden looks bloody brilliant, she didn’t need it.
“‘I don’t really want the award for being the wrinkliest actress on telly so I suppose I should have it at some point. I am not flying any flag for older women.
“The only reason I haven’t done it so far is that I’m too embarrassed. I also have a very low pain threshold and I am scared that it will hurt.
“I don’t want to look foolish because quite a few ladies who do it do look a bit daft. I guess I just have to find the right surgeon.
“Everyone is obsessed with it [age]. ‘I feel like everyone is looking at my face and saying, ‘Go on then, I dare you’.”