The novel exfoliation method which uses fish to nibble the dead skin off feet has been banned in America. The technique first started in Turkey and […]
New advances have been made in breast enlargements which allows stem cells taken from a patient’s stomach or thigh to grow new breast tissue and create […]
Rumours are circulating that Michael Jackson is planning to have cosmetic surgery before his comeback tour later in the year. Representatives of the superstar are vigorously […]
New research suggests that Botox injections may have a positive side effect helping to reduce depression. Presented at the annual conference of the British Association of […]
Former supermodel Janice Dickinson is never one to shy away from the limelight, The 53 year old beauty has recently admitted that she is addicted to […]
Whether you believe it or not, surgeons have tried using dermal fillers for over one-hundred years now. The first surgeons attempted injecting liquid parafin (yes, really) […]
Chandelier earrings are one of this season’s fashion must-haves however for many women, these heavy earrings can cause severe damage to their ear lobes with cosmetic […]
Many teenagers have long been told that chocolate will give them spots. However a new chocolate bar promises the opposite effect – that eating a chocolate […]